Armstrong Williams Exiting Radio


After more than two decades on the radio, commentator Armstrong Williams will sign off his show on SiriusXM Urban View for the last time June 27 to devote more time to expanding his TV holdings.

“When you own broadcast television stations, and it’s a 24/7 business, it requires the weekdays to visit these stations, to be involved in an operational, detailed way,” Williams told The Daily Signal in an exclusive interview, adding:

You can’t just schedule everything on the weekends. I’ve tried it. I’ve made it work. I can make it work now, but now that we are expanding to three more television stations … I just realized I would be spending many days away from the radio. It’s not fair to the audience. It’s not fair to Sirius.

Williams, president and CEO of Howard Stirk Holdings, a multimedia company that now owns 11 TV stations, said he will continue his syndicated TV program, “The Armstrong Williams Show,” and his podcast distributed by Apple, “The Strongcast.”AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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