Trump Must Remain in Power to Stay Out of Prison


Trump Must Remain in Power to Stay Out of Prison

Trump must remain in power to stay out of prison: Watch what he does after Senate acquits him.

The danger of impeaching Trump without removing him from office has always been that we will have blown the last “check” we have on him. When the Senate lets him off without even a slap on the wrist, Trump will be even more unrestrained than ever.

Steel yourself. We’re about to get Donald Trump squared.The last time he felt he’d gotten away with his crimes was when special counsel Robert Mueller failed to find evidence of a conspiracy between Trump’s campaign and the Russians during the 2016 election.

Less than 24 hours after Mueller lamely testified as much to Congress, an apparently giddy Trump picked up the phone and called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and tried to get yet another foreign leader to help him steal an election. He offered Zelensky a bribe to get him to investigate his likely opponent in 2020, Joe Biden, and tried to strong-arm Zelensky into making Ukraine the scapegoat for the 2016 Russian hacking of Democratic emails.

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He won’t be able to stop himself from doing it again. He’s not going to stop at doubling down. He’ll triple down on everything he’s pulled over the last four years.

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He’s going to call Putin and promise to lift the sanctions if he chips in to get him re-elected. He’ll call Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey. He’ll talk to President Andrej Duda of Poland. He’ll reach out for help from every wannabe Mussolini from South America to Singapore. And he’ll get it. They’ll find ways to slip him money under the table. They’ll turn loose hit squads of trolls to infect American social media with campaign propaganda.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!


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