Civil Rights Groups Sue Kemp Over Voter Registrations


Civil Rights Groups Sue Kemp Over Voter Registrations Held In Limbo

Civil rights groups claim that Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who is running for governor on the Republican ticket, has used his authority to suppress tens of thousands of voter registration.

Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp—the state’s Republican candidate for governor—is facing renewed litigation over allegations he’s re-implemented a discriminatory and unconstitutional voter suppression scheme that has left more than 53,000 predominantly minority voter registrations in limbo less than a month before the fall midterm election.

The suit—which mirrors one filed by some of the same civil rights groups in 2016—challenges the constitutionality of a state law passed by the Georgia General Assembly last year that, as implemented by Kemp’s office, requires voter registrations be an exact match either to databases maintained by the Georgia Department of Driver Services or the U.S. Social Security Administration.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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