Inevitable Death of Emantic Bradford Jr


‘More Racist than Ferguson’: Hoover, Ala., and the Inevitable Death of Emantic Bradford Jr.

While I don’t know who shot Emantic Bradford Jr., I can tell you that his killer works for me. Every time I go to buy groceries, I pay his salary. My property taxes paid for the bullets he fired.

And everyone knew it was going to happen.

When a Hoover, Ala., police officer shot 21-year-old E.J. Bradford in the face on Thursday, the Hoover police department told the world that an officer was forced to neutralize an active shooter. Then they recanted, saying Bradford wasn’t an active shooter, but he had “brandished” a pistol, forcing the still-unnamed officer to respond by killing him.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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