New York Passed Bill Banning Sex With People In Custody


New York Passed Bill Banning Cops From Having Sex With People In Custody

State lawmakers acted following a BuzzFeed story that showed how existing law lets cops accused of raping detainees fight charges by claiming the sex was consensual.

State lawmakers in New York passed a bill Thursday(3-29-2018) to prohibit cops from having sex with people in custody, closing a legal loophole that has let police avoid sexual assault convictions by claiming sex with detainees was consensual. The bill was introduced in response to allegations that two on-duty New York City Police Department officers raped a handcuffed woman in their police van in September.

In February, BuzzFeed News reported that New York was one of 35 states that do not explicitly deem encounters between cops and those in their custody as sexual assault. In the weeks since, legislators in at least six states have introduced or begun drafting bills to change these statutes.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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