Whiteness of America’s Court System


The Whiteness of America’s Court System

The absurd whiteness of America’s court system, in 2 charts
America was making real progress on judicial diversity. Then Trump happened.

If you are ever unfortunate enough to wind up in federal court, chances are that your fate will be decided by a white man.

That’s the big takeaway from a new report by the Center for American Progress (CAP) on diversity within the federal bench. According to the report, “more than 73 percent of sitting federal judges are men and 80 percent are white. Only 27 percent of sitting judges are women, while Hispanic judges comprise just 6 percent of the courts. And LGBTQ judges comprise less than 1 percent of judges sitting on the federal bench.”

The report is authored by Danielle Root, with Jake Faleschini, and Grace Oyenubi as co-authors. (Disclosure: I was an employee of the Center for American Progress until last August. I played no role in the crafting of this report.)


Men occupy nearly three-quarters of all federal judicial seats, despite representing slightly less than half of the population. White people control 80 percent of the judicial seats, despite making up only slightly more than 60 percent of the population.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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