Russian-Linked Donations To GOP Senators Could Explain Rush


Russian-Linked Donations To GOP Senators Could Explain Rush

Russian-linked donations to GOP Senators could explain their rush to confirm Kavanaugh.

GOP Senators like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are dead set on confirming Brett Kavanaugh, in the face of unprecedented public opposition and despite the fact they have a list of several other possible nominees who would satisfy conservatives, and who could likely be confirmed with much less difficulty.

GOP Senators could force Trump to nominate someone else very easily. All they would have to do is tell Trump they don’t have the votes. They also have time. Even if Democrats win control of the Senate in November, that wouldn’t take effect until January of next year, and if the GOP is willing to force a confirmation through a month before a midterm election, they would certainly be willing to force a confirmation through right after a midterm election.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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