Democratic Presidential Hopefuls At South Carolina Fish Fry


Democratic Presidential Hopefuls At South Carolina Fish Fry

Democratic presidential hopefuls seek black support at South Carolina fish fry.

A fish fry in South Carolina on Friday drew the largest crowd of Democratic presidential candidates yet and gave them a chance to gauge support among black voters, who will be a crucial voting bloc in the early primary state next year.

Twenty-one of the 24 major candidates seeking the party’s 2020 nomination attended the gathering in Columbia hosted by U.S. Representative Jim Clyburn, the highest-ranking black lawmaker in Congress.

South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn hosted his annual “Fish Fry” event Friday night in Columbia, and just about all the Democrats running for president made their pitch to voters in a critical early primary state. Their speeches are being limited to roughly 90 seconds, giving the famed event a lightning-round quality.

Joe Biden urged that “whomever the Democratic nominee is, we have to stay together and elect a [Democratic] president of the United States.”All the candidates had less than two minutes to pitch themselves. After Biden wrapped up, Clyburn joked “that’s the shortest speech Joe Biden ever made.”AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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