French Doctors Suggest Deploying Experimental Coronavirus Treatment to Africa


French Doctors Suggest Deploying Experimental Coronavirus Treatment to Africa

Two French doctors upset people across the globe after they suggested researchers test a potential coronavirus treatment in Africa.

Dr. Jean-Paul Mira and Dr. Camille Locht appeared on French television channel LCI to discuss the potential use of a tuberculosis vaccine to treat COVID-19. Testing trials for use of the vaccine as a treatment against the new coronavirus disease are scheduled to happen in Europe and Australia, reported Al Jazeera. Mira is the head of the intensive care unit at Cochin Hospital in Paris, and Locht is the research director at France’s national health institute.


Mira, seemingly aware of the controversial nature of his statement, believed Africa should be included due to the continent’s lack of resources.

“It may be provocative,” Mira said. “Should we not do this study in Africa where there are no masks, no treatment or intensive care, a little bit like it’s been done for certain AIDS studies, where among prostitutes, we try things, because we know that they are highly exposed and don’t protect themselves?”


Locht agreed with Mira’s idea.
“You are right,” he responded. “And by the way, we are thinking of in parallel about a study in Africa using this same approach.”

The motherland isn’t as affected by the pandemic compared to other continents. There have been more than 8,000 diagnoses in Africa and 338 deaths, according to BBC.

The comments sparked outrage on social media.

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“As an African woman, this brought tears to my eyes. From these French doctors, to western ideologue elites, to stakeholders at international organizations… they see Africans as lab rats,” tweeted Obianuju Ekeocha.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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