Republican Strategist Systematically Stopped Black People From Voting


Republican Strategist Systematically Stopped Black People From Voting

This article first appeared in Salon

North Carolina Republican Systematically Stopped Black People From Voting

Files expose how North Carolina Republican systematically stopped Black people from voting
A batch of secret files found on a longtime Republican operative’s computer was found after his death which showed that he compiled race based data and blatantly used it to help the GOP intentionally stop Black voters from making it to the polls.

A batch of secret files found on a longtime Republican operative’s computer was found after his death which showed that he compiled race based data and blatantly used it to help the GOP intentionally stop Black voters from making it to the polls.
According to Salon, Thomas Hofeller is widely considered the master of modern gerrymandering, and after his death in August 2018, his estranged daughter stumbled across over 70,000 files that he had left behind.

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Emails on his computer also show that Hofeller billed North Carolina Republicans tens of thousands of dollars for his work. Federal Election Commission filings also show that the national Republican Party paid Hofeller more than $2 million for his work.

David Daley at The New Yorker, also obtained files that illustrate that Hofeller and his race based research played a key role in efforts to make it more difficult for African-Americans and college students to vote.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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