Scandal Forces GOP Chairman Resignation


GOP Chairman Val DiGiorgio Tendered His Resignation

Scandal Forces GOP Chairman Val DiGiorgio Resignation Amid Sex Scandal

Pennsylvania GOP chair Val DiGiorgio traded sexually charged messages with a Philly Council candidate. Then he sent her an explicit photo.

Irina Goldstein says she didn’t immediately recognize the man who sent her a Facebook friend request in October, after she had commented on a group photo that had included him.

That man was Valentino “Val” DiGiorgio III, the South Philadelphia-born chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party.

“I’m running for City Council,” she messaged him when she realized who he was, “next time you’re in Philly, I’d be honored to buy you coffee.”

That began a barrage of messages over two days, Goldstein said, that swung from her seeking his advice and support to flirtation and then sexually charged exchanges that included DiGiorgio sending her a photo of an erect penis.

In her messages to him, Goldstein at times either referenced or explicitly cited sex acts. Even after the photo, she continued to correspond with DiGiorgio for more than four months, seeking help with her candidacy.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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