Obama Announces New Push In Fight Against Gerrymandering


Obama Announces New Push In Fight Against Gerrymandering

A new program will train people in the basics of redistricting and why it matters to their everyday lives.
A group backed by President Barack Obama will send experts to train people across the country on the ins-and-outs of redistricting as part an effort to fight excessive partisan gerrymandering.

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The new effort, called Redistricting U, comes as states are gearing up for the next round of redistricting, which will take place in 2021. The program will launch with trainings in dozens of cities across 10 states this fall aimed at teaching people the basics of the redistricting process. Organizers also want to connect gerrymandering to “pocketbook issues” and hope people will leave the trainings motivated to get involved in the redistricting process in their states, said Saumya Narechania, director of advocacy and campaign manager of All On The Line, the part of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) that will lead the effort.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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