Trump Impeachment Inquiry Takes A Momentous Turn


Trump Impeachment Inquiry Takes A Momentous Turn

The seriousness of charges belies the shallow partisan battles that erupted over Trump’s alleged Ukraine scheme. It is far more detailed than the 123-page prebuttal sent out Monday by the GOP House minority — that did not dismantle the facts laid out by Democrats but argued that Trump’s magisterial conduct was perfectly within bounds.
And it is a more coherent exercise than Trump claimed Tuesday in a tirade in London, in which he blasted Schiff as a “deranged human being.”

The House Judiciary Committee will assume responsibility for driving the Democratic investigation toward its apparently inevitable halfway house — a vote to make Trump the third impeached President in the full chamber by Christmas.

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The committee will hear from four constitutional law professors — three requested by Democrats and one by Republicans — in the first test of House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler’s ability to manage a process as disciplined and punchy as the one presided over by Schiff in televised hearings.

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The task of the committee will be to draft Schiff’s product into binding articles of impeachment, the formal charges that the President’s behavior satisfies the standard of “Bribery, Treason and high crimes and misdemeanors” required for impeachment.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!


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