Black Tech Entrepreneurs Taking On Silicon Valley


Black Tech Entrepreneurs Taking On Silicon Valley

‘This is Wakanda’: the black tech entrepreneurs taking on Silicon Valley

It’s just past 6pm when the conversation at the coworking space turns to Amazon HQ2, tech jobs, and gentrification. Around the table are four technologists: one just launched a lesbian dating app; another recently exited his first startup and is working on a second; the other two are freelance full stack developers with packed portfolios.

That might sound like a scene straight out of Silicon Valley, but we’re in Atlanta, at the black-owned “next-generation private membership club” called The Gathering Spot.

Here, the startup ecosystem is a photo negative of the glaringly white tech scene in the San Francisco bay area. Everyone around the table is black, and as an added bonus, instead of the kombucha and spa water of Silicon Valley’s ubiquitous WeWorks, this coworking space has a full bar and table service.AMIBC® - VOTE! BE COUNTED! BE HEARD!

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